Project Title: Penguin Vector art

The client: my graphic design teacher, Jason Lind

Project scope: I had to find and trace an animal on Adobe Illustrator to look similar to the one in the picture and colour it.

Project Title: Pink sunset

The client: none

Project scope: It was just a fun photo I took myself of the sunset near my house.

Project Title: MSC announcement design

The client: the Sudbury Women’s Centre

Project scope: I had to create an announcement and blurb for Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for the Sudbury Women’s Centre with ad copy

Project Title: picture of me

The client: none

Project scope: It was just a fun photo I took of myself I decided to add it here because I thought it looked nice.

Project Title: MSC promotional

The client: the Sudbury Women’s Centre

Project scope: I had to create a press release for My Sister’s Closet, but I ended up making a cute promotional for the centre.

Project Title: Penguin Vector art

The client: my content management teacher, Angel Charette

Project scope: I had to create a header for this WordPress website and created this header from various different websites for design.